I was lucky enough to accompany my mother on a Costco trip last night, which for me is basically like Christmas. "Hey mom, we need chips". "Okay honey" *throws bag of chips large enough for small country into cart*. "I could use some razors, too" *slowly reaches for 10 pack of Gillette Fusions* "Okay honey" Etc...
Needless to say these little suckers seemed like the perfect fit.
Now for the review of the product.
Hommus Organic Classic
Price: Idk my mom paid
Dippers: Stacy's Naked "Nothing But Salt" Pita Chips
This is a solid hummus. It's got a good creaminess to it, and a solid body. It's flavorful, but not overpowering. The only complaint I have is that it is a little tart for me (probably due to lemon juice). I think a little added salt could minimize the tart aspect, but still good.
I gotta say, though, the cute factor is really coming into play here. This little mini tub is frickin' adorable. You could put dog shit into this container and I would probably still think it was pretty cool. Eating it was like eating a little baby... but a creamy, delicious baby, minus the whole being a tiny human thing too, ya know. So as I am trying not to be biased, the packaging could be swaying me.
As far as classic hummus goes, I'm not the biggest fan. I'm more inclined to buy a flavored hummus, because my taste buds call for more. I'm not the type of guy to order "plain" anything, let alone one of my favorite foods. So, don't get me wrong it's a decent hummus, it's not some run of the mill Sabra.
Overall I'd give it a 3.5 out of 5 chickpeas.