Sunday, December 28, 2014

NFL Partners With Sabra Forming An Unlikely Team

At the close of this NFL regular season, I find it necessary to elaborate on something I have been thinking about for the better half of the year.

Sabra Hummus is now the "Official Dip Sponsor of the NFL". They have branded the game that I love, and it has subsequently made me feel some hummotions I am struggling with.
As some of you may know, I am not a huge fan of Sabra Hummus. It's generic, bland, and offers nothing that your standard hummus doesn't. It is utterly mediocre. But it is still hummus...

To see that logo slapped onto the face of some of my favorite NFL stadiums and team gear makes me sad. While I love that hummus is getting so much exposure, I just wonder why couldn't they have chosen a different brand?

Why not an Athenos? Why not Trader Joe's? Why not sponsor cricket, or soccer, or whatever it is they play in the Middle East? (I'm not being insensitive I really just don't know). Isn't hummus like Gatorade over there?

Like a kid in a candy shop
On the other hand I am LOVING it. One of my favorite foods in the world is now the official dip sponsor of America's most popular sport! Next thing you know, Tom Brady will throw a touchdown pass and jog off the field to take a nice big bite of his favorite hummus to celebrate. Who knows, maybe Adrian Peterson never would have whipped his kid if he'd known he could get free hummus out of his NFL contract?

What's more, Sabra is sponsoring the "Ultimate Tailgating Sweepstakes" to enter to win a trip to the 2016 Pro Bowl in Hawaii! Granted, the Pro Bowl is the most pointless all star game ever, but Hawaii is fun, right?!

Sabra is even offering trendy new tailgating recipes for the most hardcore fans around, including: Spicy Hummus Quinoa Falafel and Fried Green Tomatillos. And nothing screams die-hard NFL fan like Asian Salad Hummus Flatbread! That's just what Raider fans in the Black Hole need to give them enough energy to pee on opposing fans!

While I am not the biggest fan of Sabra, I respect what they have done integrating themselves in the NFL and attempting to draw more attention to a food that so many are passionate about, myself included. Watch out for Sabra in the coming months! They already own 60% of the hummarket share of hummus sales, making them by far and away the leader in all things chickpea.

As a thought leader in this industry, I foresee the hummercialization of hummus growing faster than it ever has before. This could be just what my favorite dip needs to ascend to the next level, maybe even contending with ranch dressing and bean dip in the near future. Big things are happening people, I just need to know... ARE YOU READY FOR SOME FOOTB.... I MEAN HUMMUS?!

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Trader Joe's Roasted Garlic Hummus Review

Tub Size: 7 oz
Price: $1.99
Dippers: Kirkland Tortilla Strips, Pita Bite Crackers, Carrots

I have to say I have a soft spot for Trader Joe's hummus. The majority of hummi that I've consumed from TJ's are delicious. Shout out to Trader Joe's for sticking with me through the good and the hummiserable.

The Roasted Garlic variety was no exception. Most traditional garlic hummi tend to be very garlicky. To the point that it overpowers the flavor of the chickpeas and tahini. This hummus has a very good garlic to garbanzo (G/G) ratio.

It is surprisingly thick though. A few of my tortilla chips fell victim to the hummus's grip and broke whilst scooping. I had to get my hands dirty and dig in deep on multiple occasions. It was the most masculine I have felt in weeks, having to work for every tidbit of hummus remnants in that feisty 7 ounce tub.

The appearance of the hummus leaves much to be desired. There were cliffs and valleys forming throughout consumption that made me question it's hummakeup.
It looks like quicksand, and from everything I've
hummus plateaus and glaciers
heard about quicksand, seems to have about the same viscosity.

But whatever the hummus lacks in appearance, it makes up for in taste. If there happened to be a marsh filled with Trader Joe's Roasted Garlic Hummus instead of quicksand, I would delight in jumping in. While thick and flavorful, the hummus somehow keeps me coming back for more. Traditionally, its hard to consume a lot of a thick hummus because of its density and richness. I ate this tub in two sittings. (Granted one of those I was severely intoxicated. But still... two sittings) The flavors meld in your mouth and dissolve on the tongue beautifully.

Trader Joe's has done it again. I only buy 2 things from the store. Hummus and dippers... Yet I make the drive out just for that. That's a testament to my dedication to the hummus game and this wonderful store. Overall, I give this hummus a 4 out of 5 chickpeas. Although thick, it tastes great (whether drunk or not).

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Costco Trips and Hummus Surprises

I was lucky enough to accompany my mother on a Costco trip last night, which for me is basically like Christmas. "Hey mom, we need chips". "Okay honey" *throws bag of chips large enough for small country into cart*. "I could use some razors, too" *slowly reaches for 10 pack of Gillette Fusions* "Okay honey" Etc...

This was exactly what happened with hummus. I was walking through the fridge aisles when the hummus caught my eye. But not a standard tub of hummus, NO. I'm talking 20 individually wrapped hummini tubs of classic hummus. 20! It was the cutest packaging I have ever seen. This means that I can have 20 straight lunches with hummus, without having to bring in a tub that my greedy coworkers will inevitably steal. It also means I can control myself and have a portion of hummus each day, without fiending and devouring half the tub in one sitting like usual.

Needless to say these little suckers seemed like the perfect fit.

Now for the review of the product.

Hommus Organic Classic

Size: 2.4 oz mini
Price: Idk my mom paid
Dippers: Stacy's Naked "Nothing But Salt" Pita Chips

This is a solid hummus. It's got a good creaminess to it, and a solid body. It's flavorful, but not overpowering. The only complaint I have is that it is a little tart for me (probably due to lemon juice). I think a little added salt could minimize the tart aspect, but still good.

I gotta say, though, the cute factor is really coming into play here. This little mini tub is frickin' adorable. You could put dog shit into this container and I would probably still think it was pretty cool. Eating it was like eating a little baby... but a creamy, delicious baby, minus the whole being a tiny human thing too, ya know. So as I am trying not to be biased, the packaging could be swaying me.

As far as classic hummus goes, I'm not the biggest fan. I'm more inclined to buy a flavored hummus, because my taste buds call for more. I'm not the type of guy to order "plain" anything, let alone one of my favorite foods. So, don't get me wrong it's a decent hummus, it's not some run of the mill Sabra.

Overall I'd give it a 3.5 out of 5 chickpeas.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Hummus Intruder Alert

So I get home from college and this guy is ruining the Hummus game. I went out of my way to get my favorite hummus, as most of you know (Trader Joe's Mediterranean) and bring it home and THIS GUY is chomping it down in all the wrong ways. There is a system when you eat this hummus. It comes with a reservoir of oil on the top that makes is delectable, yet my dad seems to think that the oil is all his. With every bite he takes goes another succulent section of the oil, and with it my hopes for an amazing tub of hummus. I can't stress enough how frustrating this is to me, and should be to all hummus lovers out there. My mother eats it perfectly fine, conserving the oil for maximum humjoyment. She takes direction well. MY father on the other hand stubbornly consumes whatever he wants, as if challenging my hummus authority. Let me tell you big guy. I am the Hummalpha in this household, and no one is going to take that away from me!
LISTEN- When you eat Trader Joe's Mediterranean Hummus you don't eat the oil until the end. You avoid it completely... like a person with the plague... Or a guy dressed as Santa Claus when it's not even close to Christmas. STAY AWAY FROM THE OIL PEOPLE! You save it until the end for the last quarter or so of the tub to be the best you've ever had.

Just thought I would update everyone. Keep on enjoying your hummus gang. 

Sunday, June 1, 2014

What A Pleasant Surprise

The ultimate hummus dipper combined with the ultimate hummus! What a great find today in my bag of Trader Joe's Pita Bite Crackers!

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Trader Joe's Mediterranean Hummus Review

I want to start by saying that I have been delaying this post for a while, I feel terrible about my lack of hummunication. I am deeply sorry to all of hummustsee's supporters (basically 1 or 2 people).

Now for the review!

Tub Size: 16 oz
Price: $3.99
Dipping Ingredients: White Cheddar Cheez it Grooves, Pita Bite Crackers. Carrots, Scoops from my hands and fingers

I have never tasted a hummus this good in my life. Trader Joe's Mediterranean Hummus has been my go to for the last 2 months, and is taking on a significant role in my life. There's a bunch of orange oil on the top of the hummus that I save for as long as I can because it is so delicious. This means that I work around the oil and form hummus craters throughout the tub to make the oil last until the end (a fairly difficult task). The hummus is creamy, savory, a touch tart, and more sultry than I'd like to admit. My roommates have actually started buying it as well which can lead to conflicts on whose tub is whose (those bastards). But thats what this hummus has an ability to do. TO RECRUIT NEW PEOPLE. It has a voice of its own which normally speaks to me in low, sensual tones, asking me to eat it slowly and with care. A demand I am more than willing to abide by. I give this hummus 4.5 chickpeas out of 5. I cannot give it a full 5 because I know that even I have a lot to learn in the hummus game. Stay tuned my friends.

Thursday, March 20, 2014


                         Hey hummus fiends!

We are here to enlighten you on some of the best hummus brands out there. My colleague Preston Toulon and I (Alex Towne) are both avid hummus consumers and would like to share some of our knowledge with the world. We are prepared to bring you the most in depth hummus coverage around, and we know our stuff. I have been eating hummus for the majority of my adult life and I don't plan on stopping any time soon. I ingest about a tub of hummus every 5 days and that number is steadily increasing. I find that some of the best times in my life have been eating, licking, digesting, or just generally spending time around hummus, and I would like to bring that experience to others.

Preston is new to the hummus game. That's exactly what I like about him. He's young and impressionable. But I have never seen a hummus eater with so much passion in my life, let me tell you. The ethic and drive he brings to the hummus community is unrivaled.

"Things changed after my first hummus tub. I saw colors that I had never seen before, sounds were more amplified, I could smell life. It was truly an out-of-body experience. Like meeting Jesus, Jehovah, Muhammad, Allah, and God all in one. I may not know my stuff, but I'm determined to bring our lesser-experienced, hummus virgins into the light Alex has found that we all seek. Hum along, my friends."- Preston Toulon

Friday, February 28, 2014

Athenos Roasted Garlic Hummus Review

Tub Size: I forgot
Cost: $2.50 at Safeway
Dipping Utensils: Carrots, tortilla chips, saltine crackers, salami, cheddar cheese

Review: I decided my first foray into the flavored hummus game would be of the roasted garlic variety. Initially I was a bit apprehensive as the combination of the roasted garlic and the carrot seemed to clash. I began to warm to the taste as I ventured through the tub, and by the end of it, I was actually quite pleased. Interestingly enough, I found that I very much enjoyed dipping salami into the hummus. I felt the garlic tones of the hummus really accented the sharpness of the salami. The first couple ounces of the tub left a little to be desired, but by the end of it, I was absolutely fiending for more of this Athenos jam. Don't be discouraged if at first you are hesitant to give in to the power of the hummus. It will win you over. I would give the Athenos Roasted Garlic Hummus a 4/5 chickpeas. Overall, it is a solid, entry-level hummus for those new to the hummus game. By the end of the tub, I was basically humming in my pants.

Eating Right Traditional Hummus Review

Tub Size: 7 oz
Cost: $2.50 (on sale)
Location: Safeway
Dipping Ingredients: Stacy's Simply Naked Pita Crisps, Carrots, Salami, Cheez-its

This hummus was very hummderwhelming. I should have foreseen this going into it. "Eating Right Hummus for calorie counting", What in the world was I thinking. I haven't counted calories since I was in high school during my fat days. I chose this hummus because it was cheap, and boy did I make a mistake. The flavor is so mediocre. It doesn't do anything for me. Even when dipping salami (a meat full of flavor) in this hummus it tasted boring and bland. I can't hummunicate how average this hummus is.  It even gives a bitter aftertaste to remind you like an annoying little kid that you just took a bite of it. The little kid looks you right in the mouth and flips you off for eating him. Overall I give Eating Right Traditional Hummus 2 chickpeas out of 5.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Sabra Sun Dried Tomato Hummus Review

Tub Size: 32 oz
Cost: $5.95
Location: Costco
Dipping Ingredients: Carrots, Kirkland Tortilla Chips, Stacy's Simply Naked Sea Salt Chips
I have to be honest at first I was not a huge fan of this type of hummus. I typically love Sabra brand hummus but this particular brand came off a little too tomatoey. The hummus itself is flavored with sundried tomatoes AND there is a core of actual sun dried tomatoes on top. After getting to know the hummus a little bit and eating about 1/4 of the tub I started to really enjoy it. The airiness of the tomato and the creaminess of the hummus really blended together well in my pallet. It was a hummazing change of heart. Overall I would rate this hummus 3.5 out of 5 Chickpeas

I want to make it abundantly clear that I do not know what to look for in a tub of hummus. I'm a feel player. If the hummus makes me feel a certain type of way, I'm into it. Let me tell you, this hummus danced all over my palette like 2007 Shakira. I chose to attack the tub with the Kirkland Brand Tortilla Chips, which is such a great deal it deserves a blog itself. The bitterness of the salt is immediately juxtaposed with the sweetness of the chickpeas but then--BAM!--the sun dried tomatoes packs its own potent punch. I'm usually on my roasted garlic grind, but this tub gave me another flavor to add to the collection. I'd give it 4.17/5 chickpeas, just because I don't feel certain that many dipping instruments would mesh well with the strong flavor profile of the sun dried tomatoes. Thanks, Sabra.